
Just because you are over 40, it doesn't mean

it's all downhill from here...

This can be the most vibrant, fulfilling chapter of your life!

Your body is designed to heal, your energy can return, and your health can flourish with the right support.


High energy

To sleep like a baby

To feel the strongest you have ever felt

Little to no aches or pains.

No stomach aches

No digestion concerns

No brain fog, memory, or focus issues.

Then you have come to the right place.

There’s hope—and real solutions.

Can You Relate?

  • Not being able to get to sleep or waking up in the middle of the night?
  • Being frustrated that you aren't able to lose weight or keep gaining weight no matter what you do?
  • Not knowing what to do to get your hormones to balance and what you have tried isn’t working?
  • Being exhausted? And often not feeling better after you workout.
  • Forget why you are in a room? Put your keys in the fridge? Hello brain fog.
  • Aches and pains? Bone loss? Muscle loss?
  • The bloating, constipation, and other digestive issues just continue no matter what you do?
  • Racing thoughts and feeling anxious... What else, right?
  • That every expanding waistline...
  • It's like you were handed a brand new body and now you get to learn how to take care of it. Where's the manual?

Most of all, you are ready to...

  • Feel great as you age and get your life back so you feel like you are thriving?
  • Figure out the root cause behind your symptoms?
  • Understand how to eat for your body know and what works and what doesn't?
  • Be educated on how to eat for your specific health challenges?
  • Know how to get your body to naturally detox?
  • Feel you can manage your stress better than ever and now know why?
  • Building muscle and preventing bone loss now and in the future?
  • Learn how to really take care of your body and understand what works and what doesn't?
  • Know how to age slowly while keeping your energy high?

It's ALL possible for you.
And I want to help you get there.
I want to help you...

Feel amazing no matter what your age

or health symptoms

Our time together will include:


Lifetime access to my 8-module course with over 50 videos, that includes the exact system I used for myself and my clients to help them feel amazing.


*Group Coaching & Group Coaching Call Archives. Be coached through any challenges and get your questions answered.


Weekly Homework and Accountability to help you stay on track and keep moving ahead.


1:1 Foundational call to help personalize the program for you.


1:1 Midpoint coaching check in call to gauge where you are and if you need additional support.


1:1 Graduation coaching call to help you

consolidate everything you've learned during the course and discuss an action plan to support your continued success.

Your Bonuses

The Tracker Bundle

  • Worksheets
  • Symptom Tracker
  • How to Uplevel your Pantry
  • Healthy swaps
  • Meal planning and tracking
  • Online Food & Mood Journal
  • Daily Health Tracker to keep you accountable

One-on-One Time

  • Your own private portal & easy to use app at your fingertips
  • Unlimited chat messaging for 8 weeks
  • Follow-up call to go over test results & educate and empower you want to do next. (optional)

Success Tools

  • Access to well-researched eating plans
  • Link to $100 off Dutch Hormone Test
  • Discount on top 300+ professional-grade supplements
  • My favorite supplements list.

Let's Paint Your New Reality

  • Imagine being able to sleep 8 hours or more and wake up feeling refreshed.
  • Imagine having the energy to do your favorite hobbies OR meet up with friends.
  • Imagine your stomach no longer hurting and you being able to eat the foods you love.
  • Imagine knowing how to walk through midlife and beyond and still feel great.
  • Imagine feeling joy and excitement about the day because you no longer feel poorly.
  • Imagine knowing how to create the right habits and getting them to stick once and for all.
  • Imagine knowing how to eat for your hormones.
  • Imagine knowing how to detox from mold and other toxins
  • Imagine knowing the right lifestyle habits that put your hormones in balance.
  • Imagine knowing the four options to get your hormone levels restored.
  • Imagine knowing your hormone levels, why you are waking up, how stress plays a part, and what to do about it.
  • Imagine knowing how to better manage your stress and why it is so important.
  • Imagine knowing mindset habits and practices to help balance your hormones and gut health.
  • Imagine knowing what types of exercise helps balance your hormones and gut and what creates an imbalance.

This Was My Reality

I went from struggling to thriving...

  • Consistent adrenal fatigue
  • Weight problems & emotional eating
  • Extreme exhaustion
  • Cravings
  • Numerous gut infections
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Severe mood swings
  • Constant digestive issues
  • Hormone symptoms (hot flashes, hair loss, etc.)
  • Memory issues
  • Anxiety
  • Childhood cancer
  • Mold poisoning

I was completely drained, both emotionally and physically, and I couldn't understand why.

My nervous system felt overwhelmed, and I found myself chasing after every symptom, visiting one doctor after another.

I'd follow one treatment plan, only to move on to the next without ever finding the root cause.

My mood would swing wildly—one moment I was irritable, the next I was crying, and soon after, I’d be angry—all within the span of a single day.

I struggled to fall asleep, my mind constantly racing, and when I did sleep, I'd wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. I experienced frequent stomachaches, back pain, knee pain, wrist pain, and joint pain.

Although I tried to stay active, my body couldn’t recover from workouts.

I dealt with constant headaches and congestion—some nights I’d go to bed feeling fine, only to wake up congested.

Despite eating so clean, I still felt awful and couldn’t understand why I had such difficulty losing weight.

I thought all of these were normal and a part of getting older.

I don't want you to think this way too!
I want you to know it is possible to feel amazing!

Just like I did when I started really thriving..

Stopped searching for temporary fixes and started seeking real solutions.

I educated myself, found the right guidance, and learned to recognize the warning signs before they spiraled out of control.

I realized healing wasn’t just about treating symptoms; it was about changing my habits.

I had to crowd out the bad and make space for the good.

Through knowledge, support, and the right tools, I was able to detox from mold, balance my hormones, lose weight, get my sleep back on track, restore my energy, and finally feel like myself again.

And I feel better than I have in 20 years at the age of 54!

Now, I don’t just manage symptoms—I understand my body and know how to take control of my health.

And the best part? I get to help other women do the same.

I’m here to show you how.

Reviews From Clients

You want to feel vibrant & amazing in your body!


How It Works

  • As soon as you sign up, you can start binge-watching all the content and implementing it. Everything is available as soon as you enroll.
  • You'll have your three 1:1 appointments to schedule in your private portal.
  • You'll be able to jump on our weekly group coaching and Q&A calls with like-minded 40+ women just like you.

You Have Permission

  • To want more for your life.
  • To want to feel amazing and with your waistline intact!
  • To go through midlife and beyond, aging slowly and having the energy to do everything you want and more.
  • To understand how to eat and live to support your hormones and gut health so you can have the freedom to live life on your terms.

You Are The Perfect Fit If:

  • You are want to regain your energy and vitality and live the life you have always wanted.
  • You are looking to be in control of your health and be coached to improve it every step of the way.
  • You are a woman looking to improve your health, lose weight and re-write your story despite being told that you have to live with these unwanted health issues, challenges, and conditions.

What You'll Learn




  • Your program guide that helps direct you on the right path to your wellness
  • The simple, but very effective tool I love to use to help with hormones and stress. It is a game changer!
  • How your mindset matters and impacts your gut and hormones and what to do about it.
  • How to use my L-I-G-H-T process to help you gain momentum and stay the course
  • Using a root cause lens to look at how your body got to where you are in the first place
  • Customized videos to educate you on specific gut issues and how you can adapt this program just for you.
  • Better understanding mold toxicity and its role in wreaking havoc on your hormones and gut health.
  • How to up-level your pantry to make better choices to support your hormones and your gut health
  • How to choose the right eating plan that supports you and your health. You will get access to these well-researched, highly effective ones.



  • How to support your body as it gets rid of the stuff that no longer serves you physically and mentally.
  • Tips and strategies to transition your diet and make it easier to stick with it.
  • Understanding Toxins & Endocrine Disruptors and how they can negatively impact your healing process.
  • Understanding cravings and what they are telling you.
  • Access to specific functional tools to help you stay on track and get better results.
  • Your guts' role in balancing your hormones.
  • How to create a healthy relationship with your food once and for all.
  • How to be a symptom detective and better understand what your symptoms are telling you.
  • How to support your body as it detoxing from mold, metals or anything else.
  • How to create effective GOALS and get them to stick this time.
  • Strategies, tips, and knowledge on how to get rid of constipation and bloating.
  • Letting go of the need to say "yes" and overcommitting and its impact on your gut and overall health.



  • How to absolutely know if Intermittent Fasting is right for you and your hormones.
  • How to use a specific tool to coach yourself to shift your own behavior.
  • How to better understand why your stress, cortisol and sleep are causing you to gain weight and what to do about it.
  • How to understand if mold has an impact on your weight.
  • How to really food labels and what they are telling you that you might have missed
  • Tips, tricks and strategies on how to work through feeling stuck and ready to give up
  • How to better understand which movements are best for your 40+ body and in why.
  • How to understand the relationship with your hormones and losing weight.



  • How to develop a better relationship with food so you stop mindlessly eating whenever you are stressed.
  • A new perspective on eating to keep your hormones balanced and happy and you feel strong and energized
  • How to use color to help you balance your body
  • How to get your digestion back on track and get it to stay that way
  • What it means to get into a state of "rest and digest" and how this will be a gamechanger for you
  • Food cravings and what they really mean
  • What medications can do to your gut health and how to counteract that effect
  • Understanding how to get off autopilot mode and get back to a better level of consciousness
  • Knowing how to develop new habits and getting them to stick once and for all.



  • Knowledge on how to eat so you feel fantastic.
  • How to choose the right foods that will better support your gut health making your digestion so much better.
  • What to do if your digestion gets off track and how to get it back on track.
  • What one food group you need higher than ever and why it will be a gamechanger
  • How to understandy why sugar is your downfall, why you can't stop eating it, and how to get to the point where you can tolerate it without cravings
  • The relationship between your digestion issues, your gut health, and your hormones and what to do about it.
  • Access to tools that will make your life easier and make you feel like you are winning.



  • How to change your focus so you feel like you are winning.
  • How to figure out what type of sleeper you are and why it matters
  • How eating impacts your sleep and what to do about it. so it no longer negatively impacts your sleep.
  • The best tools, methods to help you get better sleep now.
  • The best ways and times to nap and why it matters.
  • Why you are waking up at night , what it means in and what you can do about it.
  • What to do if you are not sleeping and how to get back to sleep



  • Trusting and Transforming--one of the most important parts of the process.
  • One of the best methods to help you reduce your stress now.
  • How to cultivate self-awareness and mindfulness.
  • The best ways to include self-care into your schedule.
  • How to assess your own self-care habits.
  • Understanding the relationship between stress and your hormones and what to do about it.
  • Understanding the concept of "busyness" and its impact on your body
  • Understanding your HPA-axis and its positive and negative impact on your hormones, mood, immune system and more
  • A short, downloadable audio and video meditation that you can use anytime, anywhere whenever you need it to help you feel calm and relaxed
  • Understanding which movements are best for stress relief that positively impact your hormones and gut/digestive health



  • What is the #1 way to create a Well-Life Vision.
  • Why your Well-Life Vision will be your ticket to staying on course.
  • What needs to be included in every Well-Life Vision.
  • How to include everything you learned into your master plan.
  • How to prevent self-sabotage and boredom from wrecking your long-term vision.
  • Tips and techniques to help you create effective habits and get them to stick
  • How to create relationships that support your goals.
  • How to create positive affirmations that work and tie them into your Well-Life Vision to transform your health.



  • Hormone-based resources to help you better understand the role of progesterone, estrogen, testosterone, adrenals, and more.
  • Perimenopause and menopause videos and how to effectively navigate both seasons of your life
  • The top things you need to know about bioidentical hormones
  • Various trackers to help you keep better track of your symptoms, goals, and more
  • The ins and outs of effectively testing to see if you have mold in your home and in your body
  • My favorite resources for testing your nutrient levels, to see if you have food sensitivities, allergies, and more
  • My list of Gluten-free and dairy-free resources
  • Making my favorite gut-loving salad video

What's Included

  • 8-MODULE-E-LEARNING COURSE - This is Your Hormonal Blueprint Course. You will have lifetime access to this course and the updates.
  • 1:1, 90-minute call - We'll jump on a foundational call as soon as you sign up to help customize the program for you.
  • 1:1, 30-minute call - We'll jump on a call
    halfway through the program to check in with you to see how you are doing.
  • 1:1, 25-minute call - This is your graduation call. We'll chat to see where you are and what additional support, if any, you need.
  • Group coaching calls & archives - You'll be able to connect with a support network of like-minded 40+ women.*

The Investment

👇 Two Options to Work with Me 👇

Option 1: Group Coaching + Course → $997* - Payment plans are available.

  • 8 Modules: Your Hormonal Blueprint to Better Health & Vitality Course with lifetime access → $12,000 value
  • Any updates on the course will be free. → Priceless
  • Monthly Group Coaching for six (6) months starting on May → $2,000 value
  • Be in a room with like-minded women who are going through a similar thing while I coach you to the other side. → Priceless
  • Opportunity to renew the Group Coaching at a discounted price.
  • Lifetime access → Priceless
  • Accountability → Priceless
  • Discount on top, professional/Practitioner-grade supplements → Priceless
  • Mini Mindset Course → Priceless

Total Value: $14,000

Your Investment: Only $997*

*Payment plans are available.

**You may be able to pay with your HSA or FSA card.

Option 2: VIP → $3,000* - Payment plans are available.

  • 8 Modules: Your Hormonal Blueprint to Better Health & Vitality Course with lifetime access → $12,000 value
  • Any updates on the course will be free. → Priceless
  • Be in a room with like-minded women who are going through a similar thing while I coach you to the other side. → Priceless
  • Opportunity to renew the Group Coaching at a discounted price.
  • Lifetime access → Priceless
  • Accountability → Priceless
  • Discount on top, professional/Practitioner-grade supplements → Priceless
  • Mini Mindset Course → Priceless


  • Monthly Group Coaching for an additional six (6) months, extending your total support to one (1) year → $3,000 value
  • Three one-on-one functional medicine calls with me → $500 value
  • Unlimited private, chat messaging for 8 weeks → Endless
  • My tracker bundle, health and wellness resources, functional nutrition tools, eating plans, and more → $2,000 value

Total Value: $25,000

Your Investment: Only $3,000*

*Payment plans are available.

**You may be able to pay with your HSA or FSA card.

Total Value: $25,000

Results From Previous Clients

Common Qs and As:

What happens if I need more time to go through the modules?

You can choose to do all of the modules at once, over 8 weeks, or over months. This is your choice. You can go at your own pace and know you will be supported by me and a community of other liked-minded women going through the same thing. The best part of all is that you can go back to listen to your videos again if you forget something. You have lifetime access.

How will I keep track of everything as I am going through the program so I do not feel overwhelmed and get behind?

The way the Course is designed, you will have the opportunity to check off each video as you listen to it as well as each module. You'll know very quickly where you left off so you can jump back in and start binge watching those videos again. At the end of each module is Homework that helps you wrap up pull the entire module together. It includes worksheets and guides all designed to help make the process easier for you to be more successful in your health and wellness journey.

Do you accept credit cards and payment plans? Can I pay using my HSA card?

Yes. I accept credit cards and payment plans. I want to make it easy for you to get started today.

Some HSA cards do allow you to pay for health-related programs such as this. I am a Nationally-Board Certified Functional Medicine Health Coach and a Midlife Hormone Mastery Coach. This will be indicated on your receipt. You can feel free to try to use your HSA debit card to pay or submit the receipt to be reimbursed.

Is there a guarantee?

I guarantee that I will educate, coach, support you, and be your cheerleader on your health and wellness journey. I will coach you through any fears, overwhelm, and self-doubt so that you can age slowly and feel amazing! This course is your blueprint. It guides you. I can help you get a life and body you love (minimizing future health risks) if you are committed to making it happen and are willing to show up. My clients are intentional and that is why they experience extraordinary results.

If I am not having any hormonal symptoms, why is it important to still balance/restore my hormones?

At the age of 40, we start experiencing bone loss every year. And, as we age, we also no longer have the protective estrogen in place to prevent future diseases. These are two of the many reasons. Why wait until you have symptoms to start? Now is the time to prevent future health risks and restore your hormones and improve your gut health. Those two things go hand-in-hand.

What can this program provide me that other programs cannot?

I designed this program to be a unique, 5-step system to educate and guide you, and offer a community of like-minded 40+ women who could support one another. Not only have I walked in your shoes before, but I am one of you. I also know how hard it is to change your own habits that may not be serving you well as you age. I am an expert in behavior change and can help you create habits that stick. No other program gives you the level of support I offer–both 1:1 and group sessions, plus unlimited chat access. I want you to feel supported and know you are not alone.



Ready to begin your journey?

Nationally Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, NBC-HWC

Certified Functional Medicine Health Coach, FMCHC

Midlife Hormone Mastery Coach

"Helping women overcome hormone imbalance & gut issues naturally."

Copyright © 2023 Be Well Health Coaching, LLC | All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy | Disclaimer

  • 8 Modules: Your Hormonal Blueprint to Better Health & Vitality Course with lifetime access → $12,000 value
  • Lifetime access → Priceless
  • Accountability → Priceless
  • My tracker bundle, health and wellness resources, functional nutrition tools, eating plans, and more → $2,000 value
  • Discount on top, professional/Practitioner-grade supplements → Priceless
  • Mini Mindset Course → Priceless