Appreciate the Simpler Things

Someone else seemed drawn to these beautiful lilies too. Watching my little guy hop into my trunk brought a smile to my face and reminded me to appreciate life's simple joys. It’s easy to go on autopilot and miss the little things around us. But when you intentionally focus on those small moments, you shift from dwelling on what’s lacking to living in a state of gratitude. Often, the gap we focus on is what makes us feel unwell—whether it's gut issues, hot flashes, poor sleep, or low energy. Focusing on the gap keeps us stuck in that discomfort.

How can you shift your focus today and notice what brings you gratitude? I’d love to hear two things you’ve noticed today that you’re thankful for—perhaps things you’ve taken for granted before.

What simple healthy change can you make tonight that will have a positive impact on your morning? Could it be a change of scenery?

Changing your surroundings can often shift your mindset, which then influences your habits. It might be as simple as working outside, in a park, or even taking a short break. It doesn’t take much, but I’ve seen lasting benefits in clients who make this a priority. They experience less stress and anxiety, better sleep, improved health, and even enhanced relationships.

Our health journey is deeply connected to our mindset. It affects how we eat, live, and make choices. Everything starts with our thoughts.

👉 When we believe we are enough, we don't rely on food to fill a void. Think about that the next time you reach for a snack.

👉 When we believe we are enough, we don’t need extra things to feel complete.

Where can you place a reminder that you are enough?

Choosing to find joy in simple things and making a conscious effort to laugh daily could be the most affordable "medicine" available to you.

You have the power to find happiness in any aspect of your life, and that simple choice can have a profound effect on your overall health. That’s why mindset is such a key component in both my group coaching and 1:1 coaching. What we think can either support our ability to make changes or reinforce the belief that we can't.

Here’s something I shared recently with my midlife ladies in our group coaching program:

👉 Instead of saying, "I can't change the way I eat," ask, "How can I?"

👉 Instead of saying, "I don’t have time to slow down," ask, "How can I carve out time for myself?"

Choosing happiness and letting go of things that no longer serve you can visibly reduce your health symptoms. I see it happen every day in my practice.

Now, think of one thing you can do today and take action. Don’t overthink it—just keep it simple.

Interested in learning more about how this ties into my 5-step process for transforming gut and hormone health? Drop a 💛 below, and I’ll send you more info!

Remember, you are only one decision away from appreciating and being grateful for the simpler things in your life.

Ready to begin your journey?

Nationally Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, NBC-HWC

Certified Functional Medicine Health Coach, FMCHC

Midlife Hormone Mastery Coach

"Helping women overcome hormone imbalance & gut issues naturally."

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